Amongst The Bones Of Gods


Covering enough land to be a kingdom, The Marrow rainforest is dense, dark and full of many dangers. Cutting through its heart is the mighty river Blood Vine. The Marrow rainforest gets its name from the bones of ancient giant creatures found throughout. Many believe that it is these bones that give Marrow it a unnatural size and plant life. As a result Marrow allows for very rare and powerful herbs to grow. The rainforest floor is a swampy quagmire under the trees that grow to unnatural hights, with a canopy so dense that parts of the rainforest never see natural light. It is also said there are lost ancient temples within Marrow, that have long since been swallowed by the rainforest's plant life.

Along with all manor of creatures that makes their home within Marrow, A once great line of high elves (the Starbound) can be found clinging to their way of life. The Starbound live within the tree tops, with a fully functioning town (Barque town) suspended in the very canopy next to the bank of the Blood Vine river. Along with Barque town the Starbound also maintain several out posts throughout Marrow. The Starbound are often compelled to fend off a never ending gang of drows (the Descended) who would wish to mine and sell the giant bones. The Descended camps are scattered throuhout the dark rainforest floor, using orcs and other dimwitted creatures to do most of the hard labor.

The nature of Marrow attracts all kinds of travellers, it is offen used as a refuge by those who wish not to be found. Many less than savoury groups use the immensity of the rainforest to conduct unforgivable actions. Cultists perform sacrifices to long forgotten bloodthirsty gods and Those who practice dark magic such as necromancers and witchcraft are not uncommon with in the recesses of the rainforest. Although not all who brave the marrow rainforest do so with ill will, Some come to gather the plants and herbs than can not be found elsewhere, Some come to raid lost ruins, some just want to be forgotten and regularly foolhardy monster hunters often meet their end within Marrow.

Game: Zero

Player Name Character Name
James Barrett DM